Restriction on borrowing from own company
The possibility to borrow from one’s own BV has been restricted as of 2023, with the taking effect of the Excessive Borrowing from Own Company Act(wet excessief lenen). If a shareholder borrows more than € 500.000 from his or her own BV, the excess will be taxed in box 2 (once). Last year the amount was €700.000, but as per reference date of 31 December 2024 this has been reduced to € 500.000. First home equity debts do not count towards the € 500.000 limit if they are covered by a notarial mortgage deed (a mortgage deed is not required for home equity debts existing as of 31 December 2022). In the case of high loans or overdrafts, it is important to anticipate this and consider repayments before the end of the year, or reserve money for the tax settlement. Specific rules also apply in partner situations. Is your debt to the BV higher than € 500.000? Contact our office to discuss the possibilities and consequences.