Is a tax return necessary?
If the Tax Office issues you with a tax form or letter to request you to do so, this will have to be filed in any case. If you do not receive a letter, but you have to pay additional tax on your income or assets, you are also obliged to file a tax return. Obviously if you are entitled to a refund, it is in your own interest to file one. For a regular domestic tax return the deadline is May 1st. For a migration tax return (M-form) the deadline is July 1st. For both forms extension can be requested.
This year again we have heard of tax payers who received a letter from the Dutch tax authorities mentioning that they did not need to submit a tax return, although in their particular situation it would have been either mandatory to file a tax return, or they were entitled to a refund. Particularly the situation of someone living abroad owning Dutch real estate, we regularly see that no tax returns were issued or filed. As property is always taxable in the country where it is located, it is important that a tax return is filed, also in view of avoiding later corrections with penalties and interest. Furthermore the Tax Office in the main is not aware of your possible tax deductions. We therefore advise to have your refund possibilities checked.
The Tax Office has also mentioned that some details in the prefilled tax return may be incorrect, such as the life annuity premiums. It is always important to check the figures with the underlying documents. By the way, any electronic messages you receive from the Tax Office (Berichtenbox) are still also sent by regular mail.